Tips for Managing A Home-Based Business

Running a business from home is a tricky thing because, on one hand, you have decided to work from home for the flexibility; while on the other hand, everyone (including you, sometimes) seems to think working from home means a vacation with a computer. Taking advantage of the flexibility of working at home does not mean that you must answer to everyone’s beck and call, or be distracted by each little thing. This is easy to say, but hard to do when you are in the moment. At the moment, if the phone rings and you must choose between finishing a business-related email or answering the phone, the phone may seem more pressing. In order to increase your productivity, it is important to run your business like a business, and not like a hobby that you do after rolling out of bed.

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First of all, do away with wearing pajamas to work. Whoever said that what you wear doesn’t matter is a lie. What you wear reflects the way you are feeling, to a large extent. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you should wear a suit around your house – unless, of course, your clients are coming to your home office for appointments. It just means that, by wearing your pajamas and sweat pants all the time you will not feel as though you are really in the mood to put forward your most productive self. Shower in the morning, put on some clothes that do not have jumping sheep on them, and sit down at your desk feeling like a professional.

Next, think about the time you do your work as a schedule that you need to plan out. If you find that you are planning your work around doing everyone else’s dirty work, then you are not dedicating yourself to your job. Your schedule should include the time you get up, when you will start working, and when you will take your breaks. Make sure that the time scheduled for work is fairly uninterrupted. This may mean investing in a second phone line, and moving your home office away from the television or other parts of the house where you may be distracted.

Make sure that the people you are committed to understand that you are on a schedule. If someone calls to ask you out to a leisurely lunch, think first about whether or not you would be able to do this if you were working a regular job. Scheduling leisure time on schedule days off means that you are putting time and effort into your work, and this will be reflected in your income.

We have T-Shirts, do you want one?

A group of very big-hearted people got together and decided that for every $50.00 donated, we would send them a T-shirt. Can you imagine that, your money donated to help a group of well deserving people, will also get you a T-Shirt.

Now…this is not just any T-Shirt, it’s a “Company Branded” T-Shirt – excellent, am I right or what?

For real…2KHeroes is a great opportunity to help many of our Veterans, First Responders, Educators and our Disabled community enjoy the benefits of a full-time income without the hassles of the work-a-day world.

Please find it in your hearts to give to this well deserving community of people who have served our country and paid the price for our freedoms! Click the Donate button to receive your Company Branded T-Shirt and the opportunity to pay-it-forward!

Who do you know who is a Veteran?

We all know someone who is a Veteran.  They don’t look any different… they seem to fit in, laugh at the same jokes, work hard, drive a car, have a job… well… most of them do anyway.  Some of the Veterans we know don’t have jobs… they struggle just like anyone else without a job… but they also have challenges to deal with. Combat caused mental, emotional, physical… It’s not as easy as you would think…

vet fear  You would think that after serving in our Military to protect us and keep us safe from terrorists and laying their life on the line that they would be treated fairly when getting back home… but that isn’t necessarily the case. In fact there are over 1 million military veterans who are without jobs and struggling to get a job to support themselves and their family.

2KonnectKares became aware of their struggle and has created a program to help these HEROs get a job to support themselves instead of living on welfare and losing faith in themselves. We can help!  We have developed the 2kHERO Scholarship Sponsorship Program that helps a veteran get back on their feet.  This program works and we are anxious to help as many veterans as are willing to get a job and make it a career.

2KonnectKares is asking for your help.  Will you help us provide a job for a veteran?  There are 2 ways to help. Donate a little and share this with as many as you can; on facebook, twitter, Linkedin, anywhere.  Even $5  or $20 helps.  The second way is to Sponsor a 2kHERO into the Scholarship program that will help a veteran start their own home business and grow it into a profit for them in just 4 short months.   The system works and we want to help tens of thousands of deserving veterans as we can.  Your support is needed.  Please donate today.

Go to and Send us a donation to  We will use these funds to help a veteran get a job that pays well, gets them off welfare and brings pride in a job well done.

#2kHero     #2KonnectKares      #VeteransHeroScholarshipProgram