Tips for Managing A Home-Based Business

Running a business from home is a tricky thing because, on one hand, you have decided to work from home for the flexibility; while on the other hand, everyone (including you, sometimes) seems to think working from home means a vacation with a computer. Taking advantage of the flexibility of working at home does not mean that you must answer to everyone’s beck and call, or be distracted by each little thing. This is easy to say, but hard to do when you are in the moment. At the moment, if the phone rings and you must choose between finishing a business-related email or answering the phone, the phone may seem more pressing. In order to increase your productivity, it is important to run your business like a business, and not like a hobby that you do after rolling out of bed.

Image result for entrepreneur

First of all, do away with wearing pajamas to work. Whoever said that what you wear doesn’t matter is a lie. What you wear reflects the way you are feeling, to a large extent. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you should wear a suit around your house – unless, of course, your clients are coming to your home office for appointments. It just means that, by wearing your pajamas and sweat pants all the time you will not feel as though you are really in the mood to put forward your most productive self. Shower in the morning, put on some clothes that do not have jumping sheep on them, and sit down at your desk feeling like a professional.

Next, think about the time you do your work as a schedule that you need to plan out. If you find that you are planning your work around doing everyone else’s dirty work, then you are not dedicating yourself to your job. Your schedule should include the time you get up, when you will start working, and when you will take your breaks. Make sure that the time scheduled for work is fairly uninterrupted. This may mean investing in a second phone line, and moving your home office away from the television or other parts of the house where you may be distracted.

Make sure that the people you are committed to understand that you are on a schedule. If someone calls to ask you out to a leisurely lunch, think first about whether or not you would be able to do this if you were working a regular job. Scheduling leisure time on schedule days off means that you are putting time and effort into your work, and this will be reflected in your income.

Eddie Stone Presentation to 2Konnect

It was a delight to visit with Eddie Stone personally and to hear the knowledge and wisdom he has for business, for nutrition and for networking.  I was able to visit and listen in to conversations where he shared how the body works with bad foods and then good nutrition and how it helps us to have better health and a better lifestyle.

We made a recording of Eddie’s presentation that we want to share with you.  It’s not the best recording but we did the best that we could on such short notice.  Next time, maybe you can join with us in person.

We are delighted to share this presentation to you to enjoy, learn and to decide to join with 2Konnect and join with Touchstone Essentials.   Please enjoy.

Get together with the one that shared this link with you and get the answers about how to join, how to get healthy and how to earn some serious money for a better lifestyle and life.

Eddie Stone chatting with 2Konnect Members

Visit with Eddie Stone from Touchstone

American Fork, UT

Eddie Stone, Founder and President of Touchstone Essentials, an International Organic Nutritionals company of renown, is flying in for a special Meet and Greet, hosted by David Griffiths and the 2Konnect Kommunity in Utah on Thursday, April 5th.

The event will be starting at 5:30 pm for a mingle with Eddie Stone and others of the Touchstone community as well as members and the Executive Team of 2Konnect.  There will also be a tasting table to try out some of the products and enjoy a light evening of getting to know Touchstone and Touchstone Products.

Promptly at 7 pm an introduction meeting will be given by Eddie Stone to any and all who attend to learn more about Touchstone and the Touchstone Business Opportunity.

All are invited as members, guests and friends of guests.  Come and enjoy an evening of refreshment, enlightenment and enjoyment.

Eddie Stone

5:30 – Meet and Greet with Eddie Stone, David Griffiths, Lawrence Law, Glenn Smith, David Crookston…

7:00 – Touchstone Introduction and Opportunity Chat

Holiday Inn Express & Suites American Fork- North Provo (American Fork, UT)

712 South Utah Valley Drive, American Fork, Utah 84003